DISA Logistics Management chooses LOGISPLAN

DISA is the first Canarian company to distribute energy products such as gasoline and butane and propane gases, and the first independent operator of service stations nationwide with more than 588 points of sale.

DISA has a logistics division in which it carries out the reception, storage and delivery of petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, fuel oil, asphalt, butane and propane, in all the islands of the Archipelago.

It is the only energy company with logistics facilities in each and every one of the Islands, with a total capacity of 215,000 m³, as well as a fleet of 140 vehicles, which allows it to provide a service of the highest quality in all the Canary Islands.

The implementation of the LOGISPLAN system will involve the planning and optimization of the distribution routes that DISA carries out on a daily basis.

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