Success story: HORECA channel

Optimal planning of the distribution routes of the HORECA channel

Through intelligent route optimization algorithms, maximum savings are obtained by making good planning for distribution in the HORECA channel.

Customers: DIESMAR, RM Distribucions, Gamba de la Costa

DIESMAR, HORECA sector planning with LOGISPLAN
RM Distribucions, HORECA sector planning with LOGISPLAN
Gamba de la costa., HORECA sector planning with LOGISPLAN

Company profile: Distribution company of the HORECA sector with one or several warehouses and daily distribution to final customer

The challenge

Get a powerful route optimization tool that contemplates the complex problem that the sector has:

  • Vehicles with very different characteristics, such as can be refrigerated, sizes, etc.
  • Wide variety of delivery times.
  • Possibility of making more than one trip / load per day.
  • Replanning throughout the day
  • Soft compartments

The solution

LOGISPLAN is an intelligent system that allows automating the route planning process optimizing the use of the available fleet. In addition, it reduces the number of kilometers, as well as the working hours and other parameters. The system takes into account most of the logistical restrictions in the sector as a base and allows the parameterization of new specific conditions for each company.

The benefits

  • Automation of the planning process with the consequent saving in working time and, therefore, greater independence from expert personnel.
  • Optimization of the use of the fleet, as a consequence we are able to minimize the kilometers traveled, transport costs and the number of vehicles required.
  • Compliance with regulations and restrictions
  • Increase in the quality of the service due to the improvement in meeting schedules and other conditions.
  • Efficient response to last minute changes.
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions by minimizing Km and, as a consequence, improving the carbon footprint.

Software for distribution planning for the HORECA channel