Success story: Technical assistance service

Optimal route planning for the SAT channel

Through intelligent route optimization algorithms, the maximum productivity of the technical team is obtained, this is due to optimal planning of the routes for the SAT channel team.

Customers: Caffe d'Autore

SAT channel route planning with Logisplan, caffe d'autore

Company profile: company in the technical assistance sector. They carry out a medium-high volume of assistance (emergencies and preventive) that must be carried out on end clients, fulfilling a series of requirements established by the client.

The challenge

The company needed a route planning tool capable of solving three different scenarios:

  • Optimal planning of preventive services respecting the dates agreed with the client.
  • Corrective planning for next day.
  • Assignment of last minute services to technicians en route.

The system should also be able to integrate with its current ERP to automatically load the services to be performed and return the planned routes. At the same time, it had to collect the current GPS position of the vehicles and be updated in real time with the services already performed.

The solution

The problem was solved by implementing the route optimization system LOGISPLAN . First of all, preventives are planned by distributing them in time to minimize kilometers and working times, while leaving a margin of hours available for other corrective tasks. Subsequently, the preventives are combined with the new corrective and a new daily optimization is performed. Additionally, during the day you can check the evolution of the work and assign emergencies to the most suitable technicians based on proximity, workload and other parameters.

The benefits

  • Automation of the planning process with the consequent saving in working time and, therefore, greater independence from expert personnel.
  • Minimization of route costs in terms of kilometers, hours of work, etc. which results in a greater productivity of the company.
  • Increase in the quality of the service due to the improvement in meeting schedules and other conditions.
  • Efficient response to last minute changes.
  • Flexible adaptation of routes to changes in the client portfolio, campaigns or different seasons
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions by minimizing Km and, as a consequence, improving the carbon footprint.

Software for distribution planning for the SAT channel