Success story: Sales Team

Optimal planning of sales force routes

By means of intelligent route optimization algorithms, maximum savings are obtained in the planning and optimization of the routes corresponding to a company's sales force, that is, the planning of the routes for the visits of the sales representatives to their clients.

Customers: Argal

Optimal planning of sales force routes with Logisplan for Argal

Company profile: a company in any sector with a sales team that must periodically visit its client portfolio together with new potential clients.

The challenge

A system was needed to plan the routes that the commercials take periodically to visit all their clients each month. To do this, the following requirements had to be taken into account:

  • Visiting frequencies established for each client
  • Visiting hours allowed
  • Holiday calendars
  • Evaluate the convenience in terms of costs of staying overnight or returning to the starting point.

The tool should also allow the simulation of new scenarios and the reassignment of customers to vendors due to registrations or cancellations that occurred.

The solution

LOGISPLAN It is an intelligent system that automatically plans all the routes to be carried out for a given period and, in this way, maximizing the number of visits to be made each day. It also reduces the kilometers traveled and travel times between clients. The basic system contemplates most of the logistical restrictions to take into account and allows the parameterization of new specific conditions for each case.

The benefits

  • Automation of the planning process with the consequent saving in working time and, therefore, greater independence from expert personnel.
  • Minimization of route costs in terms of kilometers, hours of work, etc. which results in a greater productivity of the company.
  • Increase in the quality of the service due to the improvement in meeting schedules and other conditions.
  • Flexible adaptation of routes to changes in the client portfolio, as well as campaigns or different seasonality.
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions by minimizing the total distance traveled and, therefore, we improve the carbon footprint.

Software for sales force route planning